For food emergency support, visit Shropshire Larder

Feedback from around the community

Shrewsbury Food Hub collect and distribute around 4 tonnes of surplus food every week. Every week we get feedback from the community groups that benefit from this surplus. Here are a selection of comments we have received during October and November this year!


Coffee in the Living Room – Bayston Hill (Margaret)

We use the flowers you deliver to brighten up tables but more importantly to celebrate birthdays (we have about 100 to celebrate through the year) and also to deliver to carers and older members unable to get out.

I can’t value the smiles we get. The groceries and bread, etc, get well used by members. Crumpets and bread are toasted as part of our menu.

We buy small boxes of chocolates as birthday gifts (some folk have no family) so any chocolate that could be used in that way is brilliant. The more we have the more folk we can reach.

We think you all do a fantastic job and really appreciate the help you give us. Thank you!


Belle Vue Pre-school (Shirley)

The Food Hub is amazing, and we are so grateful to all your hard workers, sorting and especially delivering, as we’re not easy to reach!! The Food Hub enables all our children to experience different foods, textures and tastes and we have seen such a difference in our children willing to try new tastes because you have been delivering to us – thank you.

Children ask for fruit and veg when picked up from the setting, encouraging their parents to buy more fruit for them. They can also take the overflow food from our wheelbarrow.

The community around us also enjoys the overflow, enabling them to also have treats and experience new food like artisan bread. We get lovely feedback (no pun!) from passing people in the lane.

The children love bringing the food into the kitchen, after a delivery, chatting about what they are carrying which helps build positive links with their food, links with home, and improving their speech and language.

One of our new ventures is to cook a hot meal midweek for all our children. This meal is vegan, gluten and allergen free!! Quite a challenge but as so many of our children have intolerances we are determined that we’ll all sit down together for a hot meal. We are hoping to extend the invite after Christmas to family members and then next September to the community. So gluten, allergen free, vegan food is especially welcome on a Tuesday as we cook on a Wednesday.


Food collection | Shrewsbury Food Hub